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Easy Way to Use Slit Lamp: Know the Basic Approach

The slit lamp is one of the most important pieces of equipment for optometry. Whether you are new in this field, have joined the optometry school recently or have vast experience as a professional – it is always required to have complete knowledge about all the latest technologies and equipment used in this field. With the advent of modern technologies, slit lamps have become more effective and accurate.

Hence, it is necessary to learn how to use modern slip lamps and find the right results for better diagnosis of patients. If you are not aware of the latest use of slit lamps, you will not be able to provide your patients with flawless treatment.

Understanding the Basic Approach

A slit lamp is a microscope that has a bright light used to examine the eyes of patients. The ophthalmologist can have a closer and clearer look at every part of the eyes when they see them through the microscope. The light coming out from the slit lamp will help the ophthalmologists to have a clear view of iris heterochromia, periorbital neoplasms, and heterotopias. 

To get the best view of all these parts of your eyes, you must help the patient be at the right position with the microscope. 

It is crucial to know how to keep the illumination technique in line while using the lamp to check the eyes of your patients. For beginners, it might seem quite confusing and challenging to understand each setting of lighting and its correct uses. Sometimes, it can also be difficult to remember how to achieve the desired setting of illumination while observing a patient. 

Nonetheless, there is nothing that can be more helpful than hard work and patience. Once you learn the process, all you need to have more and more practice to

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Process of Using Slit Lamp Lighting Technique

Increasing the intensity of the light will help you as an ophthalmologist to get a clear view of your patient’s eyes, but it can be highly uncomfortable for them. If you want to increase this light during the examination, you should let your patient know and be mentally prepared for this.

Some of the common lighting techniques are;

  1. Diffuse illumination
  2. Sclerotic scatter
  3. Retroillumination 

You should also be aware of the use of red-free filters, cobalt blue filters and yellow barrier filters while checking your patients.

At Modern Surgical, we provide our clients with advanced models of slit lamps in India. If you need the best quality surgical and ophthalmological equipment, you can get in touch with us.

Modern Surgical Instruments Ophthalmic Equipment

Know about the Slit Lamp and its Essential Features

A slit lamp is one of the most effective ophthalmological instruments, a high-intensity source of light used for eye treatment. The doctors focus it on a thin, light sheet and then into the eyes. The eye specialist will use it to examine the interior of the eyes, including the cornea. You can purchase this equipment from reputable medical equipment stores for the best quality slit lamp in India.

The Slit Lamp: An Ophthalmic Equipment  

The ophthalmologist will use this tool to determine eye health and detect eye diseases, if there are any. It helps with accurate eye diagnosis after careful examination. Recent developments have led to its extensive usage by optical physicists. Therefore, it has become a staple object of need for contact lens opticians.  

The Goldmann or Volk lenses are suitable for inspecting the eye interiors like the posterior section, the retina and the vitreous. With the slit lamp, you can closely examine the front portion of the eyes, also the an6terior segment, especially known as the cornea.   

Therefore, the slit lamp aids with the medical examination of the following eye parts – 

  • The sclera 
  • Lens 
  • The cornea 
  • Back of the eye like optic nerve and retina

Essential Features of a High-Quality Slit Lamp

   1. Illumination  

The slit lamps have two types of illumination –  “Zeiss” or the integrated illumination type and the tower type illumination, also called “Haag Streit”. In the Haag Streit style, you get the light source from the top portion of the instrument. In the Zeiss style, the light source supply is from the base. The practitioner Acheter cialis en ligne france

and ophthalmologist will prefer the instrument type as per their preference.  The illumination techniques vary, like diffuse/direct, retro, focal slit illumination, focal broad beam, specular reflection, sclerotic scatter, etc. This is to view the eye structure and the tissues.

  2. Width/ Length 

It deals with the adjustment feature of the slit lamp. Similar to the power of magnification, you can adjust the slit length and width for different stages of eye observation.  In Van Herick’s technique, you require a 60° slit to measure the anterior chamber angle and 6x-10x magnification into the limbus.

  3. Magnification Power

A slit lamp with high magnifying power is highly essential. You require at least 20X magnification for a brilliant performance of the equipment. The ophthalmologists like to begin the eye examination with a larger view and then adjust it at special interest areas.

  4. Light source 

Modern varieties of the slit lamp come with LED light bulbs and other halogen source options for illumination. LED lights offer a cool view of the retina, making it easy for the doctor to observe. The slit lamps do not come with a heated light, or else the patient will feel uncomfortable.  

Consult Modern Surgical, a reputable importer and distributor of high-quality hospital and medical equipment. They sell a range of top standard equipment, which guarantee long term usage.